…or a chance for a new urban-rural relationship. Uli Hellweg in Stadtbauwelt 19.2019 on the current crisis of regional planning in Germany.

The Consilium “Neuer Stadtteil Frankfurt Nord-West” has a dual leadership: The eight members elected Silke Weidner and Uli Hellweg as chairpersons by circular resolution. They exercise their functions with immediate effect. The advisory board provides technical support for the preparatory studies on the new district.

“I congratulate the dual leadership very warmly on their election and look forward to continuing our good cooperation in the future,” says Mike Josef, head of the planning department. “I am very pleased that we now have two top-class experts as chairmen of this important body. Together with the other members of the Consilium, they will actively support us in the coming years in the great challenge of developing a new urban district.

In “Bauwelt”, Uli Hellweg comments on Christoph Ingenhoven’s plans for the area of the failed “WerkbundStadt” and the consequences of a land speculation that is incredible even by Berlin standards.

Uli Hellweg comments in “Bauwelt” on Christoph Ingenhoven’s plans for the area of the failed “WerkbundStadt” and the consequences of an unbelievable land speculation, even by Berlin standards.
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International building exhibitions (IBA) are unique architecture and urban planning exhibitions that have earned international recognition. In the course of time, the IBAs have changed from architecture to building culture exhibitions, in which social, economic and ecological aspects as well as the quality of processes and participation increasingly came to the fore alongside aesthetic and technological aspects. An IBA negotiates life, housing and construction as well as mobility in cities and regions with a far-reaching claim to validity of their contents, organisation and presentation and provides important impulses for politics, business and science. The Free State of Bavaria has not yet had an International Building Exhibition. A feasibility study commissioned by the City of Munich now offers the opportunity to launch an IBA in Bavaria. At the same time, it could be a blueprint for possible further projects. An IBA would not only be a think tank for future issues of social change and an impetus for spatial development in the entire Free State, but would also have an international dimension.
Conversation at the “Long Table” of the Architekturpreis Berlin e.V. with: Daniel Buchholz, MdA SPD Speaker for Urban Development Stefan Evers, MdA CDU Speaker for Urban Development Stefan Förster, MdA FDP spokesman for urban development and housing Katalin Gennburg, MdA DIE LINKE Spokeswoman for Urban Development Uli Hellweg, HELLWEG URBAN CONCEPT Prof. Elke Pahl-Weber, Institute for Urban and Regional Planning – Technische Universität Berlin Prof. Dr. Eberhard v. Einem, University of Technology and Economics
Head of Planning Josef introduces team of experts to tasks in Frankfurt The Consilium “Frankfurt Nord-West” met for its constituent meeting on Friday, May 10. The advisory committee is to provide technical support for the preparatory investigations into the new urban development. Head of Planning Mike Josef stressed: “The planning of the new district is a complex task. My goal is to use the existing knowledge from Frankfurt, but also from other cities, at an early stage. I am very pleased that we have been able to appoint renowned experts to the Consilium who will support us in this very important task for Frankfurt in the coming years and who have already implemented similar projects in Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Cologne, Kassel, the Ruhr area and Leipzig.”. More
Uli Hellweg speaks at the Potsdam City Forum (“Stadtforum”) about one of the most controversial categories of urban development: density. The STADT FORUM POTSDAM is an independent institution, based on civil society initiatives, which deals with the relevant topics of Potsdam’s urban development in regular public events – cross-section-oriented and competent, with the participation of the responsible politicians from city and country, but also with the involvement of critical, non-binding expertise. More
Under the pressure of housing shortages and speculation, more and more cities want to designate “urban development areas” in accordance with sections 165ff of the Building Code. The aim is not only to create the urgently needed living space, but also to create living quarters for living and working. The mistakes of the 70s must not be repeated! Uli Hellweg, responsible for two Berlin development areas on the Spree and Havel rivers for more than a decade, talks at the Munich Environment Academy about the peculiarities, obstacles and pitfalls of urban development law.
La Fabrique de la Cité invites you to a conference-debate bringing together the main actors of the urban policy of Hamburg. This evening will also be an opportunity to question, beyond the case of Hamburg and in a Franco-German view, the differents ways to create urban innovation nowadays.

IBA (Internationale Bauausstellung) Wilhelmsburg: An Exciting Laboratory For Sustainable, Resilient Cities And Urban Innovation
Mr. Uli HELLWEG, former Director of IBA Hamburg GmbH

Roundtable: What Instruments to Stimulate Urban Innovation? Comparison between Germany and France
Mr. Benoist APPARU, Mayor of Châlons-en-Champagne
Mr Henri BAVA, Founding Partner, TER Agency
Mr. Uli HELLWEG, former Director of IBA Hamburg GmbH
Mr. Vincent JOSSO (confirmed), Partner, Project Director, Le Sens de la Ville
Mr Jean ROTTNER, President of the Regional Council of the Grand Est
Mrs. Chloë VOISIN-BORMUTH, Director of Studies and Research, La Fabrique de la Cité