Germany is building XXL. New urban districts are being built everywhere. The FAZ presents the largest projects: Munich Freiham, Berlin Rummelburger Bucht and Schumacher Quartier, Fankfurt Riedberg and the new “district of quarters” in the northwest, Hamburg Oberbillwerder and Holsten-Quartier, Freiburg Dietenbach and Potsdam Krampnitz.

Read the Article (in German)

“It’s no longer about the contrast of city or country, but about center and periphery, which can be anywhere. In a global world, it’s about preserving the identity of villages and yet being able to live an urban lifestyle. Holistically curated special formats (like an IBA) help a region develop over the long term in a learning process.”

Interview (in German)

In an interview with the Ippen Media Group (Frankfurter Rundschau, HNA, Münchner Merkur, Westfälischer Anzeiger, etc.), Uli Hellweg comments on the urban planning consequences of the home office boom.

Interview in German

Uli Hellweg on the question why social housing can only function in social neighbourhoods. In: New Social Housing – Positions on IBA Vienna 2022


Uli Hellweg on the conceptual convergence of the IBA and BUGA formats and the opportunities for closer cooperation.

In a two-day jury meeting under the leadership of Uli Hellweg, the concepts of the remaining 16 entries of the competition for the Blue-Green Ring were examined in detail. The design by the team Raumwerk GmbH, Frankfurt a. M., with Seehof Gesellschaft für Kunst im urbanen Raum, Frankfurt a. M., was chosen as the winner. Their “Flow” concept is based on the basic idea of using the theme of water to link the various subspaces of the Blue-Green Ring with one another and to make the spatial and design context tangible.

“Urban planner Uli Hellweg heads the advisory board, which advises the city on the development of ‘Josefstadt’. – In an interview, Uli Hellweg explains the reasons why the development of the new “Quartier der Quartiere” district in the northwest of Frankfurt makes sense and is necessary.

​​Uli Hellweg on the chances of the new urban district in Frankfurt Northwest.

For more than a century, international building exhibitions have brought the current issues of planning and building into the focus of national and international discussion. IBAs stand for high standards: they are a field of experimentation in urban and regional development and a trademark of national building and planning culture. What is the power of the format? How can the IBA promise of innovation be constantly renewed? How do IBA sites face up to the obligation of the great tradition?

How can IBA make internationally exemplary innovation possible – also in everyday life – and what must be done to ensure that this can continue to be successful in the future? This is what we want to discuss with you.

The aim of the conference is to sound out what distinguishes the IBA brand from other formats of urban and regional development, to strengthen its qualities and develop long-term future prospects for the format. Politics, planning, science and civil society are to exchange views on how innovation processes are created, how future issues can be made tangible and how

After periods of stagnation, cities and regions in Germany have experienced a strong influx of inhabitants in recent years, especially the “Big Seven” metropolitan areas of Berlin and Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf. This development benefits not only the centres and urban core areas of the cities, but the metropolitan regions as a whole. With their strategies of inner-city redensification, municipalities and regions are reaching the limits of what is feasible – there is a lack of space, but also increasing acceptance – while there is still a trend towards influx of new residents. There is therefore a trend towards the development of new districts in peripheral locations of the core city in order to meet the pressure for growth, and the question arises as to how the benefits and burdens of these growth movements are to be distributed.